Social Welfare in Bellary

Social Welfare Services in Bellary

When it comes to discovering society and development, Bellary is not ready to give a chance of criticism. Social welfare is an integral part of the city. Many steps have been taken by both government and private social services. The zeal for welfare and development is there in the veins of Bellarians. Many of them have dedicated their lives for the sake of society. Child welfare, women welfare, education, cultural activities, welfare of old people, blind welfare etc. are some major areas looked after by the NGOs working at different parts of the city. Many educationists and respected personalities have come up to encourage the social activities. This in turn has helped many young welfare enthusiasts to get motivation and inspiration.

Social Welfare in Bellary

The city with 79% literacy rate obviously proves the true meaning of education. It is not only acquired for earning money, but also contributing for society. The more you give, the more you gain satisfaction. This thought is adopted by most of the NGOs who have worked for so many years for so many reasons without any benefit.

Child abuse, human trafficking, women trafficking are some of the most important issues for which these non-profit organization raise their voices. Here is a list of NGOs who have contributed lot for the development of the society.

NGOs working in Bellary

Adarsha Education Society is organized to promote family planning, family counseling, AIDS prevention and to provide vocational and educational training to the disabled persons. Establishing home for old people is another objective of this organization.

Association for Rehabilitation of the Disabled provides education, social and economic services to the backward communities.

Other organizations working for cause of social welfare in Bellary
Mother Theresa Rural Development Trust
Priyadarshi Counseling Center 
Life science foundation
Anitha Vidya Peeta
Bellary Diocesan Development Society
Rural Education and Action Development
Society for Integrated Community Development

Child Development Services in Bellary

Every child is special. They deserve love and care. Being orphan, they don’t get what they deserve. People raise their eye –brows on them and they are greeted with indifference and hatred. This is the worst part. This type of behavior and attitude is adopted by many so-called educated people. However. Things are changing. Thanks to the NGOs and social welfare services. They are trying their best to help these angels. From imparting education, organizing cultural activities, healthcare facilities to motivation campaigns, everything helps the children to gain confidence. They have come out their shells and stepping towards a better and secure future.

Women and Child development in Bellary

The women and child development department of Bellary has geared up to develop the state of women and child in the region. Development of children is categorized under integrated child development program. On the other hand, women welfare is looked after by women development corporation. The plans and programs for the welfare of the disabled are also looked after by this department.

Correctional Institutions and Their Programs

Four correctional institutions are working in the city of Bellary. Juvenile Home, Juvenile Home (Junior), Observation Home and many other are running successfully. Stree Seva Niketan is another notable institution organized for the development of the women. Organization for Deaf and Dumb is also there. Children and women are provided basic necessities of food, clothing shelter, security and education. Both voluntary education and academic education are imparted.

To improve the health and nutritional status of the children in the age group of 0-6 years.
To develop the physical, social and psychological state of the children.
To reduce and prevent malnutrition, school dropouts and infant mortality.

Some developmental schemes
Namma Magalu Namma Shakti – Insurance facility and money for the girl child.
Widow re-marriage
Crèches for children
Maintenance grants

Disabled Welfare in Bellary

Scholarships are given to the physically handicapped students. Braille watches and mobility sticks for them are provided for blind students. Hearing aids are given to deaf and dumbs. Programs like ‘Hosa Hejje’ are organized for their development. Loans are also provided to strengthen their financial status.

Women Welfare Facilities in Bellary

Financial assistance in the form of loan is provided. Educational training is given. Some popular loan schemes include Vikasini, Udyogini, Mane Belaku etc.

Some Welfare Organizations in the City

Vishnu Sena Smithy is an organization serving the poor students. They look after the needs of these children. It is named after a reputed personality, Vishnuvardhan. He served the society by helping the unprivileged and poor children. Spreading education among the poorer sections of the society is the main motive of this organization.

The Veerashaiva Vidyavardhaka Sangha – Education to the rural part of the society Is the main objective of this non-profit organization. It was established in 1916.
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